I’m passionate about typography.

I’m passionate about typography. I remember when I first realised that of all the things that captured my direct and focused attention as a young lad, typography had always been my most recurring interest. One Christmas, my siblings and I received an...

I’m passionate about John Digweed.

I love John Digweed. As a DJ, I have great respect not only for Digweed’s Transitions program on Proton Radio, but also for the way he empowers young producers. He and Nick Muir founded Bedrock Records, now celebrating over 12 years of excellent progressive...

I’m passionate about cross process.

Cross Process Crazy! Lately I’ve been obsessed with transforming my favorite images into cross process masterpieces. Not in the traditional sense of deliberately mismatching film and chemicals, but the lazy digital way. This trend really got hold of me after...

I’m passionate about my pepper grinder.

No really, I am. This magnificent piece of French engineering, precision manufactured in China and filled by your writer with the finest Pondicherry black peppercorns really is my [kitchen] pride and joy.  Do I love this pepper grinder? You bet I do. Firstly, its...

I’m passionate about Allegravita.

At the risk of breaching one of our most treasured company values, and appearing to be self-indulgent, I have to say that I’m truly, madly and deeply passionate about Allegravita. Being there at the beginning, I’ve watched and helped a magnificent group of...

I’m passionate about language.

I’m passionate about language. One of the toys I’ll always love is “language”. Languages make pretty great toys with their unique natures and flexibility. There are wildly interesting worlds within all language systems. English is elastic, with layer upon...