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February 27, 2023

Can a website encapsulate an entire neighborhood? MidtownBrandywine.org proves that it can.

Allegravita is proud to announce the launch of MidtownBrandywine.org, the first-ever website dedicated to the historic neighborhood of Midtown Brandywine in Wilmington, Delaware. The project was a substantial one, as we aimed to encapsulate the beauty and uniqueness of the neighborhood into a single website. We are happy to say that after eight weeks of hard work, the website is now live, and we believe we have successfully captured the spirit of “Wilmington’s loveliest neighborhood.”

Allegravita’s Catherine Davis said, “Midtown Brandywine is such a remarkable place, with a community spirit that feels unique. The local neighbors’ association has done such a good job protecting and preserving the neighborhood, so when we started to work on the community’s first-ever website, we undertook the project with the utmost care and respect for all those who had come before us.”

At Allegravita, we love developing beautiful websites that unambiguously celebrate our clients, and to welcome audiences and to tell them an interesting, persuasive story about our client. Not unlike reading a novel, reading a website must provide thematically sound storytelling. We achieve this via careful, sophisticated information architecture, visual excellence, and expert copywriting. We’re so proud of midtownbrandywine.org, and we hope it will serve that unique community for decades to come.

One feature important to the local community was to provide an alternative to Facebook, as neighbor’s association research had shown that a relatively small minority of all residents used the long-standing Facebook group. Many residents love their neighborhood but prefer to not be active on Facebook, or other large social media platforms, for a diversity of reasons. For the new community website, it was important to provide a Facebook alternative, so a full bulletin board, beautiful photo gallery and sophisticated community calendar were all engineered into the website.

We would like to thank the Midtown Brandywine Neighbors’ Association for giving us the opportunity to create a website that truly represents this wonderful community. It was an honor to work with such a dedicated and passionate group of people, and we look forward to seeing how the website will grow and evolve over time.

Overall, Simon, Catherine and the Allegravita team are thrilled to have been a part of this exciting venture, and we hope that MidtownBrandywine.org will serve as a testament to the beauty and uniqueness of the Midtown Brandywine neighborhood. We look forward to seeing how the community will embrace this new online platform and use it to connect, share, and celebrate all the wonderful things that make Midtown Brandywine such a special place.

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